Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  Solar system body or event
Goodbye, comet ZTF. See you around year 52000..., Luigi Fontana
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Goodbye, comet ZTF. See you around year 52000...

Goodbye, comet ZTF. See you around year 52000..., Luigi Fontana
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Goodbye, comet ZTF. See you around year 52000...



Acquisition details



***** ENG. While shooting

Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet
 I setup my StarAdventurer with a Canon 6D for this easy shot. Some dew on the lens added something special!  Postprocessing by @Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo).

SQM 21,1, Bortle 4-5

***** ITA. Mentre riprendevo la Seagull avevo anche una 6D su Star Adeventurer per la cometa ZTF in allontanamento, vicino alle Iadi. Inattesa umidità sulla lente frontale ha regalato un certo non so che... forse un piccolo  omaggio al grande Akira Fuji, recentemente scomparso. Elaborazione del solito @Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo).


Sky plot

Sky plot


Goodbye, comet ZTF. See you around year 52000..., Luigi Fontana